Monday, October 21, 2013

Master Bedroom.

Our room is not how I want it to look... yet. I'm trying to figure out what I want but it's taking time and it will take money (which I'm saving for yummy foods and shopping on our KC trip). I wasn't going to show you all but it's about time I just show you!

Here is what it looked like...

{messy. no lampshades, too small of a lamp shade. weird door behind the bed.}

{Super messy catch all table. collage that's not working for me anymore.}

After photos (for now)...

{amazing how much a made bed helps a room look relaxing.}

{this is the reverse side of our quilt. which side do you like?}

{I have a lot more to do with this collage... but it's starting!}

Admission: I just realized that you can buy different height lamp harps (click here to see what that is). This is going to make my lamp shade hunt SO MUCH easier! Target has so many cute ones! So happy. :)

Here is the plan for our room... 
1) Put the bed on the wall to the left. There is a door on every wall in our room.... this makes things difficult!
2) Paint. I would love a greyish/beige color. I believe the hip word is greige. There are many shades of greige and I can't find online but I know what I want!
3) Collage. I want a simplistic and clean collage.
4) Bed Spread/Duvet/Quilt. I would love something floral, modern, and jewel toned. I'm still looking for one. ;)
5) A hanging plant. Yes, I'm that person now.

Which side of the current quilt do you like? The blue with white diamonds or white with birds? I can't decide!



  1. I have to say I love the birds ♥ ~Bethany

    1. Thanks Bethany! Even with the yellow walls??
