Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days of Blue

1. fabric, belt, candle, library book, pot, jewels 2. Fan of Color earrings (Spotted Poppy Designs)
3. coffee cup 4. blingy blue ring

Last fall, I found a great blog, Nesting Place. She challenged her fellow bloggers to a 31 day challenge for the month of October last year and is doing it again this year.

Challenge accepted!

I will be posting daily, for 31 days. It will be new content that revolves around the hues of blue (and some other fun things thrown in there). The posts won't be long, but they will be consistent.

I know 31 days is a lot for some of you, so I understand if you choose to unsubscribe (no need to feel awkward). However, my hope is that you hang out watch this project of blue evolve. ;)

I chose blue because I tend to be so drawn to the color. I really wanted to choose turquoise, but wasn't sure if I could be that specific for 31 days. ;) I guess we'll see! The random stuff in the collage above is what I grabbed as I did walk through looking for blue things in the house. My library book is even blue. Crazy! 

This is Day One.
I’ll add a link to each new post here as I go.
Day 8: Finger Candy
Day 9: Wrist Wear
Day 10: Neck Drapery
Day 13: Failed blogging day. :(
Day 15: Failed blogging day. :/
Day 16: Ear Sweets
Day 19:
Day 20:
Day 21:
Day 22:
Day 23:
Day 24:
Day 25:
Day 26:
Day 27:
Day 28:
Day 29:
Day 30:
Day 31:

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