Monday, October 7, 2013

How the Sexes See Blue

I almost started crawling into bed and getting comfy. Then I remembered, "I still have to write a blog post!". 

After church, I went to a friend's house and spent the afternoon with her, her hubs, their son, and another friend. We all had dinner together and hung out. It was fun! 

During conversation, her son (who is a full grown man, btw) was describing the best cherry he ever had. If you're from Leona Valley, you understand why I asked what color it was. It makes a difference! He said "You know, red.". When asked, "What kind of red?". Him, "Red". There are so many different reds!! 

How men see color vs. how women see color:

There are so many hues of one color. They only show 4 blue options in the photo above. Look at all of these other options below... 

So, try to be descriptive. There are A LOT of blues out there!


  1. I love this because blue is my favorite color!!! ALL different shades of it!!
