Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ooh yeah!!!

Oh yeah! I have a blog. 
You would think I had forgotten based on how much I HAVEN'T done...

There has been a lot going on around here. 

- We had our first prenatal appointment. Our doctor said I'm healthy and okay'd me for starting prenatal yoga and swim classes. I also LOVE our doctor. He is very supportive of a natural birth.
- The bro-in-law was up here for a while and we explored fern canyon (that gets a whole post in itself). Here's a teaser...

{Fern Canyon. That's the BIL}

- We made another trip down to Southern California. My sister was running in a much bigger community queen pageant (16 or so contestants). She didn't win and she was relieved and happy. BUT she did win the Miss Enterprise award for raising the most money for Saddle Up Ranch (a therapeutic non profit). The town we are from only has about 1500 people and the other communities have 10,000 - 158,000+. This is one reason I love Leona Valley!

{Olivia and I}

- We rearranged the guest/craft room to now include my brother's office (incase you're unaware my hubby and I, and my bro and his wife all live together). The bro's office is now empty so we can create June Bug's space!
- We FINALLY made more laundry soap. Yay for cheap and good cleaning laundry soap!
- Mike and I have both been working lots. 
- I started a new bible study with my instavotion group. I love this group of women and I love that it's an online community who love each other! Most of us have NEVER met.
- I have been sick. This is what I have been carrying around the house with me...

{Water, tissues, coconut oil [for applying essential oils], Lemon/Thieves/Peppermint Essential Oils [they have helped so much with my cold], chap stick [eos], cough drops, a yummy candle.}

I have some stuff I'm itching to blog about I figure if I list it, I'll be more accountable.

1) Show you Fern Canyon. OMG. Gorgeous.
2) I'm making a duvet cover out of sheets I got at Target.
3) I'm making curtains for our living room. It needs some color.
4) We find out (hopefully) June Bug's gender Friday. EEEEEEE.
5) Mike and I are venturing up the coast of Oregon for a little get away, just us. It's wonderful to go see family. We just always feel like we haven't connected at all when we go. This is probably our last little get away, just us, before June Bug comes.

What has been going on in your life?
Can you believe that January is GONE?
I'm going to be 26 in just over a week. Whoa.


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