Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Color! Create! Curtains!

Our living room is brown... very brown. Brown walls. Brown ceiling (which is gorgeous redwood). Brown furniture. BROWN. Blegh. Boring. Ok... I think you get it. ;)

When we moved in to our rental they provided us with curtains. Guess what they were... TAN (got ya, not)!

{See what I mean? Brown. And don't judge my un-staged space.}

I couldn't handle the brown anymore and neither could Kristyn (my sister in law). We chose a super fun pattern from JoAnn's (pretty much our only option out here) and got to work! I had fun teaching Kristyn a little and I think she had fun learning and doing. 

FYI, this was done without a pattern and without technical perfection (including my night time photography with yucky lighting). <--- Story of my life right there... 

I calculated the length on the curtains based on the ones that were already there. As far as width, typically when you buy fabric it is doubled on the bolt and I decided it would be wide enough just as it was. If you need it thiner, trim it. Wider, add fabric to one or both sides.

- 5 yards of fabric (liner and main curtain)
- thread that matches
- scissors
- rotary cutter and self healing board *optional*
- sewing machine
- an iron


Step 1: Measure and Cut
Measure the length of your windows then cut the fabric accordingly. Don't feel ridiculous measuring a bunch of times. You would rather be sure! Trust me. :) Keep in mind how you are hanging this will determine length (loops, grommets, pocket). I needed 6 extra inches to create my pocket (scroll down for more details). I chose to have a liner for I had to cut 4 pieces.

Step 2: Pin together.
Lay your fabric right sides together (the sides you want facing out). Then pin the 2 long sides and one of the short sides (you'll deal with the other one later). *Watch for crazy kitties trying to play with your fabric... see below*

{Mitzy, George, and Mojo were loving it! Kristyn and I eventually had to lock them out}

Step 3: Sew!
Sew your three straight lines. I don't have anything technical to say other than I had approx. 1/8-1/4 of an inch seem allowance and I just went straight. Let me know if you need more clarification. 

Step 4: Iron.
Once done, turn inside out so the right side is now out. Iron to make your edges flat and not bubbled. Fold over and iron the unfinished edge to create a clean edge for your pocket.

Step 5: Creating a pocket.
Instead of making loops or grommets to hang the curtains, I chose to make a pocket. To make a pocket, fold over the unfinished edge (that you just ironed). If you have a slick fabric you really should pin it, if it's cotton or something similar I'm going to say the wrong thing which is "You don't have to pin it". In my experience, I can keep it straight enough and the fabric kinda sticks to itself. Anyway, sew your straight line to the end.

Step 6: Hang those suckers up!
Go on... hang them up and enjoy!

{I didn't stage it... again. Welcome to my living room}

{I love this fabric!!!!}

There you have it. The quick, nontechnical way, without a pattern how-to on making curtains! Let me know if you give it a try.

If you need extra direction, I can help! Just let me know. 

What have you created lately?
Other than the curtains? Not much. This needs to change.

What are you looking forward to creating?
I am making a duvet cover out of sheets next!


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