Friday, May 18, 2012

High Five for Friday

So glad Friday is here.

This post is to take a step back and recognize at least 5 of the good things from your week. I link up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk.
You should link up too!

ONE. Saturday Apartment Round Up.
I finally got to be home for a whole day on Saturday!!!
I was traveling for work and got home 2 Saturday's ago.
After the last stretch of travel, Mike and I had something to do EVERY night until last Saturday. Yay for a clean and almost orderly home.

TWO. Book Club.
Book club has been such fun.
Monday was my turn to host it.
I'm loving that all of us girls are getting to know each other better
 and are praying for (and encouraging) each other.

THREE. Good Morning Girls.
I'm participating in a bible study this morning by GMG.
My friend Hannah is leading it. It's different.
It's all done via email and facebook.
I'm really enjoying the study and meeting the other girls. Sometimes, reading something someone wrote, touches you in a different way.
Anyway, if you're interested in doing it we just stared so hop on board!

FOUR. Husband.
He is DONE with paramedic school.
He (hopefully) has his last National Registry test tomorrow at 4pm.
Then he is officially hire-able.
I'm so proud of him! He has worked very hard and long for this.

I realize more and amore that this job came along at the right time.
 I love it here and I'm thankful for f'real.

What are your top 5?

P.S... how can you not love this face?

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