Friday, May 16, 2014

High Five (six) for Friday - Baby Edition!

It's Friday y'all!
Normally, when I'm on top of things, I do a "high five for friday" post (and link up with Lauren). But since I've fallen off of the blogging world (again!) lets do a quick recap of highs - baby edition. Shall we?

 photo H54Fbutton_zps973d26e1.png

ONE. Wiggle Worm.
Baby boy is proving to be quite the wiggle worm. I was waiting for an appointment and while waiting, I was holding my water tumbler against my belly. I noticed that the water was moving but couldn't figure out why. Then it hit me! The little man is kicking stronger and stronger. I watched for a while and sure enough, that's exactly what it was. Now, if only he would keep kicking when an actual hand is on my tummy. That would be great.

TWO. Nursery!
It's coming together. I promise to post about it soon. I still need to get the decorations up. :P But, things are put away, we have a bookshelf in there, and clothes are organized.

THREE. Bradley Method.
Mike and I started and finished our birth classes. Bring on the husband coached birth! Honestly, we are enjoyed the classes and highly recommend them! We are learning a ton and it's great for gearing you up and putting your mind at ease about the unknowns all at once. We'll be test on the material in 3-7 weeks (omg is it really that soon?!)!

{Check it out!}

FOUR. Clearance, Deals, Craigslist.
I love when big time clearances are happening! I got a great piece of wall art, new and comfy black flats, a white vase with fake flower(s) and succulents, baby clothes, maternity clothes, baby gear and various other things! I scored a trash bag of baby clothes for $10!!!! Last but not least, my mom has found some good deals on craigslist type Facebook pages for other baby gear. Score!

FIVE. Baby Shower(s).
We were so blessed by all of you! Wow. This baby is so loved! Here are some shots!

These are from the Humboldt shower.

{Welcome baby! We're excited for you!}

These are from the shower my 2 dear friends and mom threw.
{I LOVE the planets my mom made. And that banner... cute!}


{I plan to hang this on his door. :)}

The ONLY photo I have from the shower my mother-in-law threw. At least it's pretty.
{Pretty desert roses}

SIX. A Helpful Husband.
As the baby grows so does my tummy. That means it's starting to get in the way at work (and when I try to put on hiking boots). When I'm trying to video the inside of a super tall truck, my baby bump starts pressing the seat controls... it's actually very entertaining ;) He has been helping me with moving cars/trucks and getting the inside shots. I'm grateful Mike is helpful and my employer is open! I hope I'm not driving my man crazy...

{fern canyon hike}

I hope you have been able to see the good things in your week!


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