Saturday, February 2, 2013

High Five for Friday

I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for High 5 For Friday.

ONE. Skype.
The hubby and I were able to Skype. It was so nice to "see" him and how things are progressing there. He said that he couldn't be in a better living situation. He is staying in a studio on his supervisor's property. His supervisor and her hubby are very welcoming and kind! He is also loving his co-workers. And even tried out a church!

{skype with the hubby}

TWO. Soup.
My dear friend is pregnant and caught a nasty cold. I decided that was the perfect opportunity to make chicken noodle soup from scratch. It was my first time making any soup and it turned out DELICIOUS! 

{chopped veggies for soup}

THREE. Pageant Success.
The first practice for the Leona Valley Community Queen's Pageant was a success! All of the contestants are great! I'm excited to be a part of encouraging and growing these great young women.

{Miss Leona Valley} 

 {center piece at Orientation Tea}

FOUR. Healthy Pets.
Mojo went to the veterinarian, a.k.a my dad, on Monday. Some of her blood work came back a little wonky but luckily, by Wednesday, everything was checking out good. Mitzy and I were missing her!! So glad to have my snuggle buddy back.

{Mitzy actually chose to sit on me. She obviously misses(d) Mike and Mojo}

FIVE. Ladies Bible Study.
I have been going to the ladies bible study group on Thursday mornings. A lot of the ladies who go have known me since I can't even remember. It's fun to be back as an adult. I've always looked up to these ladies and I still do. I had an emotional day and it had to do with missing Mike, Mojo had been at the vet, a lot of friends have had some MAJOR things going on in their lives and it was weighing heavy on my heart. I enjoy my weekly time with the bible study ladies because they are encouraging, rooted in truth and honest. I love them.

How was your week? What's on your heart and mind?


  1. Friend... I love seeing the details of your life. I also love seeing the great relationship that you and Mike have. I'm sorry it is so hard right now. LOVE YOU!

    1. Stephanie... You are too sweet! Things are good now that I know the next time I'll see him... on my birthday!!! :D
