Friday, August 9, 2013

High Five for Friday

Happy Friday! I'm linking up with Lauren.

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ONE. Mom and Sister Visit.
This week my mom and sister came for a 4 days visit and it was fun. I miss them being so close. We went to old town Eureka, explored Moonstone Beach, rafting on the Trinity River (sights included a bald eagle, naked hippies, gorgeous water and gorgeous views), and visiting local things. I can't wait until they can come up again!

TWO. Photos.
Mine and Mike's photos are all edited and done! Yay! Jessica of Jessica C. O, Photography did a give away on her Facebook page and I won!! I never win big things. I was so stoked. Here are a few to enjoy.

THREE. Godly Man.
My husband is not only a good man but he is a godly man. And I am so thankful for him. I'm thankful for his hard work and him valuing family time with family we don't see often over making extra money. I'm tankful for his ability to make situations fun and be firm at the same time. Point is, I'm thankful for him!

FOUR. Impromptu Visits.
Since Mike and I live with my brother and his wife that means there can be a lot going on. So, today some friends came over. Sure it was unexpected because my sister-in-law invited them over but it was good and fun! I'm glad for the unexpected things. Plus, it's not like I was doing much. ;)

FIVE. Netflix.
I mean seriously, I'm happy for it.

How was your week?

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