Friday, August 16, 2013

High Five for Friday

Who's excited for the weekend?! Me too. Ours will consist of a garage sale, church, and hopefully some time at the river. I'm linking up with Lauren. Lauren and her sister Kate are too cute. No, I don't know them in "real" life but what they share is always sweet, encouraging and cute!

ONE. Decor.
Kristyn (sis-in-law) and I bought something we both LOVE for our living room. The vase was more than 80% off most of the stems were discounted. It brings a MUCh needed pop of color to our dark living room. What do you think? Do you have any ideas for our living room?


{our living room. don't mind the current state of crazy.}

{it's big. it's dark. what are your thoughts? p.s. the curtains are normally open but it was messing with my photo.}

TWO. Borrowing books!
A friend lent me the first book of this series when I lived in KCMO (thank Carissa!). Now I get to finish the series. Woo hoo!

 {i have come to LOVE historical fiction.}

THREE. Berry picking.
I mean seriously, how can that not be a top five?! I had never been and it was fun! I plan on making jam and a pie. We picked huckleberries and blackberries. I'm grateful that we were invited by a couple friend in our church. :)
{thankful for the amount we were able to get}

FOUR. Wedding preparations.
On Wednesday, I went bridesmaid dress shopping and to see the venue for a friend. On Thursday, I went to a bridal shower. I love the festivities leading up to weddings and I really enjoy encouraging people in their marriages. 

FIVE. Rug Cleaning!
Who gets excited/happy over dropping their rug off for a cleaning? This girl. That's right! Remember this rug? When we first moved every thing up here we had to leave the trailer loaded and parked for a few weeks. My rug was wrapped up in plastic but an outdoor cat still managed to pee on it. Ugh! So, for $40 it's getting cleaned! Yay!

{this is my rug. i'll be putting it in the craft room/guest room}

How was your week?

Want to know something that is NOT a high? Dealing with fleas. Ugh.



  1. Can you paint a wall? a light color? or if not, what about hanging large light colored canvases of some kind? Or a shelf full of overlapping light colored canvases of different shapes and sizes?
    Love it though! and the fun pop of color with the vase. :)

    1. Unfortunately, we aren't aloud to paint this room. :( But I'm thinking we'll hang a tapestry or two (what do you think). I really like the idea of overlapping canvases! Thanks girl!
