Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A little of this and a little of that

I have a lot going on in my head, mostly good, that I just feel like jotting down. If you want to know what's been on my mind a little more, then go ahead and read. If not, I won't be offended. ;) I suppose this is a "for me" post.

1) I live near a pumpkin patch. I live near a pumpkin patch. I LIVE NEAR A PUMPKIN PATCH. I love it. :) I know, I know. A lot of people live near pumpkin patches but how did I not realize it until now?! Yay fall! :)

2) My brain is spinning with ideas for Spotted Poppy (mine and my mom's side business). I have no idea where to start. And these are both good and bad things. I need to start getting all of these thoughts on paper.

3) George (Kristyn and Andrew's new siamese/himalayan kitty) is too cute. I'm thankful for the 3 little companion animals that are in this house!

4) When people ask me what I "do", as in work, I now say house wife. And that's ok. At first I was hating that thought because well, I wasn't sure why. I think I was hating it because society tells us our value is in what we do for a living. But that's not true. My value is in Christ (thank God)!

5) Our tomatoes are FINALLY turning red. It's taken forever!

6) Mike just worked 6 days. When he got home last night I immediately had a smile (more like goofy grin), and lasted until I went to sleep. I guess I'm still in love. ;)

7) I really want a mid west style thunderstorm. Here's to dreaming!

8) Mike and I are going to Kansas City in October. It will be almost 1 year since we left. Crazy! Some days I think, "How cool would it be if we wound up back there some day." then I realize, it will probably never happen. God is good always!

Those are a few things swimming through my head. What kind of stuff has been going throw your head? Are you enjoying the season of life you're in? Are you too busy to even try enjoying it?


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