Friday, August 30, 2013

High Five for Friday

Happy Friday!!

I'm linking up with Lauren today!

ONE. Contentment.
God has been teaching me a lot about being content. And I'm glad for it. It's been a tough but good lesson.

TWO. Jam.
Remember a couple days ago I went berry picking for the first time? Well, I threw those berries in the freezer for another day. That day was today and I learned how to make jam! I made 6 jars of huckleberry jam and 9ish jars of blackberry jam. It is so yummy! 

THREE. Networking.
On Wednesday, I just needed to get out of the house so I went to Starbucks. :) I think it's awesome that a piece of technology led to a conversation that led to an interview next Thursday. I'm excited for it.

FOUR. Date Night!
My hubby took me out for sushi after working quite a few days. We had so much fun. I'm glad that after 11+ years we still enjoy each other and go out!

FIVE. Rug Cleaning.
I took my rug to cleaned about 2 weeks ago and finally got it back! I love that our home is coming more and more together!

Sorry for the lack of photos. ;) How was your week? What sort of fun/hugh things went on for you? Enjoy the holiday weekend!!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A little of this and a little of that

I have a lot going on in my head, mostly good, that I just feel like jotting down. If you want to know what's been on my mind a little more, then go ahead and read. If not, I won't be offended. ;) I suppose this is a "for me" post.

1) I live near a pumpkin patch. I live near a pumpkin patch. I LIVE NEAR A PUMPKIN PATCH. I love it. :) I know, I know. A lot of people live near pumpkin patches but how did I not realize it until now?! Yay fall! :)

2) My brain is spinning with ideas for Spotted Poppy (mine and my mom's side business). I have no idea where to start. And these are both good and bad things. I need to start getting all of these thoughts on paper.

3) George (Kristyn and Andrew's new siamese/himalayan kitty) is too cute. I'm thankful for the 3 little companion animals that are in this house!

4) When people ask me what I "do", as in work, I now say house wife. And that's ok. At first I was hating that thought because well, I wasn't sure why. I think I was hating it because society tells us our value is in what we do for a living. But that's not true. My value is in Christ (thank God)!

5) Our tomatoes are FINALLY turning red. It's taken forever!

6) Mike just worked 6 days. When he got home last night I immediately had a smile (more like goofy grin), and lasted until I went to sleep. I guess I'm still in love. ;)

7) I really want a mid west style thunderstorm. Here's to dreaming!

8) Mike and I are going to Kansas City in October. It will be almost 1 year since we left. Crazy! Some days I think, "How cool would it be if we wound up back there some day." then I realize, it will probably never happen. God is good always!

Those are a few things swimming through my head. What kind of stuff has been going throw your head? Are you enjoying the season of life you're in? Are you too busy to even try enjoying it?


Friday, August 16, 2013

High Five for Friday

Who's excited for the weekend?! Me too. Ours will consist of a garage sale, church, and hopefully some time at the river. I'm linking up with Lauren. Lauren and her sister Kate are too cute. No, I don't know them in "real" life but what they share is always sweet, encouraging and cute!

ONE. Decor.
Kristyn (sis-in-law) and I bought something we both LOVE for our living room. The vase was more than 80% off most of the stems were discounted. It brings a MUCh needed pop of color to our dark living room. What do you think? Do you have any ideas for our living room?


{our living room. don't mind the current state of crazy.}

{it's big. it's dark. what are your thoughts? p.s. the curtains are normally open but it was messing with my photo.}

TWO. Borrowing books!
A friend lent me the first book of this series when I lived in KCMO (thank Carissa!). Now I get to finish the series. Woo hoo!

 {i have come to LOVE historical fiction.}

THREE. Berry picking.
I mean seriously, how can that not be a top five?! I had never been and it was fun! I plan on making jam and a pie. We picked huckleberries and blackberries. I'm grateful that we were invited by a couple friend in our church. :)
{thankful for the amount we were able to get}

FOUR. Wedding preparations.
On Wednesday, I went bridesmaid dress shopping and to see the venue for a friend. On Thursday, I went to a bridal shower. I love the festivities leading up to weddings and I really enjoy encouraging people in their marriages. 

FIVE. Rug Cleaning!
Who gets excited/happy over dropping their rug off for a cleaning? This girl. That's right! Remember this rug? When we first moved every thing up here we had to leave the trailer loaded and parked for a few weeks. My rug was wrapped up in plastic but an outdoor cat still managed to pee on it. Ugh! So, for $40 it's getting cleaned! Yay!

{this is my rug. i'll be putting it in the craft room/guest room}

How was your week?

Want to know something that is NOT a high? Dealing with fleas. Ugh.


Friday, August 9, 2013

High Five for Friday

Happy Friday! I'm linking up with Lauren.

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ONE. Mom and Sister Visit.
This week my mom and sister came for a 4 days visit and it was fun. I miss them being so close. We went to old town Eureka, explored Moonstone Beach, rafting on the Trinity River (sights included a bald eagle, naked hippies, gorgeous water and gorgeous views), and visiting local things. I can't wait until they can come up again!

TWO. Photos.
Mine and Mike's photos are all edited and done! Yay! Jessica of Jessica C. O, Photography did a give away on her Facebook page and I won!! I never win big things. I was so stoked. Here are a few to enjoy.

THREE. Godly Man.
My husband is not only a good man but he is a godly man. And I am so thankful for him. I'm thankful for his hard work and him valuing family time with family we don't see often over making extra money. I'm tankful for his ability to make situations fun and be firm at the same time. Point is, I'm thankful for him!

FOUR. Impromptu Visits.
Since Mike and I live with my brother and his wife that means there can be a lot going on. So, today some friends came over. Sure it was unexpected because my sister-in-law invited them over but it was good and fun! I'm glad for the unexpected things. Plus, it's not like I was doing much. ;)

FIVE. Netflix.
I mean seriously, I'm happy for it.

How was your week?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sassy Keys

Just like any other house, ours require keys to get in. I was having trouble telling them apart and was irritated when I grabbed the wrong key  decided I needed to do some thing to distinguish between them. So, naturally, I grabbed my new house keys and some nail polish. This is a super easy and personalized way to mark keys. The photos are pretty explanatory. 

{grab your keys and choose your colors}

 {i did 2-3 coats of polish depending on the color}

 {i love glitter so i added it to one side of each key}

{attach to your key chain and enjoy}

What colors would you choose?

Friday, August 2, 2013

High Five for Friday

Yeah Friday! I'm linking up with Ms. Lauren for High Five for Friday.

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ONE. Spontaneous get away with the Hubby.
We went to Fort Bragg for a one night get away and it was fun! We stayed in a Bed and Breakfast for the first time and definitely suggest doing it. We stayed in the Buttercup room. It was at the top of the stairs with cool angled ceilings and lots of white and yellow. When we got there, we went to Glass Beach. I saw an awesome photo of it on Pinterest a few years ago and brushed it off as a place I would never get to go to because, why would I go to northern California? Now I live in northern California. 
Two thoughts about God came from this:
1) God knows the desires of your heart, no matter how small. Really, going to Glass Beach wasn't a huge desire but it was one God made happen. So cool. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4 
2) He makes all things new. Even an old dump sight like Glass Beach. Now it's a place where people go to explore in hopes of finding beautiful sea glass.
Here are some photos of our trip (There are A LOT of photose. Feel free to scroll past my excitement of our get away).

{drive thru tree}

{glass beach. sea glass!!}

{hubby and I searching through the pebbles and glass for the perfect pieces.}

{Mike walking down a very narrow cliff...}

{the field we walked through to get to the cliff. peace.}

{looking over the edge.}

{if you know me, you know I was freaking out about this.}

{see the rock in the center of the picture? yeah, it came off of the mainland. The part of the the mainland that I was freaked out on.}

{i love discovering succulents here. they are so happy and grow straight out from the cliffs.}

{more cool succulents. i got a piece of this one and planted it. hoping it will grow!}

{blue water in Fort Bragg.}


{crazy trees at Jughandle State Park.}

{these is all from 3 trees. that's it!}

{we grabbed a nice dinner at Mendo Bistro. very yummy!}

{my drawing on our table "cloth".}

{it pointed to Mike... just FYI.}

{we found an amazing glass blower. i would love to have a fixture of his.}

{also, these paintings. these paintings!!}

{funky flower.}

TWO. Quality time with my sis-in-law.
Last Saturday, Kristyn and I hit up the Arcata Farmer's Market. We got succulents, 4 new types of flowers,  and new foods. Then we went to lunch and Target. Perfect! Even though we now live together, I think it's important for her and I to do dates. :) 

THREE. Photo shoot.
Mike and I had our photos taken on Tuesday by Jessica of jcophoto (we made her home page)! We haven't had any professional photos since our wedding 3+ years ago. Photos are so important. Get them done. I'm so blessed to have won her give away!

FOUR. Sleep and kitties.
I love sleep. And I love kitties. That is all.

FIVE. Music.
It makes my body and soul move. I feel it in my soul. God is good.

How was your week? Do anything awesome?