Friday, July 20, 2012

High Five for Friday

I'm linking up with Lauren today because it's FRIDAY!


ONE. Thrifting
I went shopping at thrift stores with my mom and hubby.
We always find crazy things... and super cute things!
I got a new vase, silver slip on shoes (true story, and their awesome!), and two new shirts!
{creepy eye found thrifting}

TWO. Juicy Fruit
I have loved doing the 5th and 6th grade girls Juicy Fruit bible study.
They are so fun!
This coming Wednesday is our last day together. :(

THREE. Riley's hair cut
I'm sure it seems odd that I want to even mention someone else's hair cut... 
but I have been wait for this day for soo long!!! 
Doesn't she look GREAT?!
{photo via her boyfriend's fb}

FOUR. Rainbows
You want to know what the true symbolism of a rainbow is?
It is God's promise, and a beautiful one it is.
Genesis 9:8-17
I saw an amazing rainbow at about 6:45am on my way to work.
Our God is amazing and His creation is my favorite.

FIVE. Air Conditioning
It's been 103+ for the last week and that's continuing until...???
Need I say more?

How was your week?
Fantastic I hope!

Love you all!



  1. great high lights of the week! that eye thing from thrifting looks creepy but cool at the same time. and what is juicy fruit? is it like a study on the fruits of the spirit? either way it has a cool name haha. are you from the kansas city area?

    1. Hi Emily! Sorry for the late response... I was out of town. :)

      Juicy Fruit is a study on the fruits of the spirit. It was such a fun study!

      I've lived in the KCMO area for 4 years in August! I'm from California originally and moved here for school. I love it here!
